Granted projects

POR/FESR 2014-2020 Regione Lazio

Display of the executive sequence of the fresco

Project developed within the Capitolini Museums in Rome (Palazzo dei Conservatori).

It offers an innovative way of telling the story of a fresco, to be used also in all the places exhibiting these masterpieces (museums, churches, palaces). The idea is to carry out the virtual reconstruction of the sequence of the creation of the fresco over time, by studying the "working days".

Project developed by CBC Coop Conservazione Beni Culturali, Xtrust and Nergal Consulting

ROP 2014-2020 Lazio Region
Call for proposal "Impresa fa Cultura (Enterprise Does Culture)" 

Grant obtained: € 197.820

POR/FESR 2014-2020 Regione Lazio

Book&Park in Europe

The project exports an innovative and intelligent management solution for outdoor parking areas without the use of sensors.

The system requires user collaboration for the use of the parking spot, reporting, and management of occupations without authorization. This feature makes it particularly suitable abroad, especially in Northern European countries.

Project developed by Nergal Consulting and IAD

ROP ERDF 2014-2020 Lazio Region
Call for proposals "Internationalization projects"

Contributo assegnato: € 90.677,50

POR/FESR 2014-2020 Regione Lazio

 Complex Project:

"Nergal Consulting - Enabling company employees to Smart working"

Action A - Planning and design actions to enable company employees to smart working: analysis of business processes, development of the overall technological architecture, configuration / reorganization of the shared space in a private cloud, definition of the access procedure and of the calls and projects management procedure;
Carrying out a 16-hours training class for employees;
Launch of a 5-months experimental pilot phase.

Action B - Acquisition of supporting tools: touch screen notebooks suitable for all uses, including technical ones (programming, graphics). 

OP ESF Lazio Region
Call for proposal “Piani di Smart Working aziendali (Smart Working plans for companies)"

Grant obtained:

 Action A 4.900 €

Action B  2.500 € 

POR/FESR 2014-2020 Regione Lazio
POR/FESR 2014-2020 Regione Lazio

GIPASS: Italian acronym for Sensorless Outdoor Parking Management System

It is an innovative and sustainable solution for the Intelligent Management of Outdoor Parking spots. The goal is to improve the daily experience of drivers and transporters when searching available parking spots or unloading docks. It results in a positive effect on local traffic. GIPASS does not require the installation of sensors, cameras or other technological devices. It is a distinctive feature from other "smart parking" solutions. The activation costs are extremely low.

Project developed by Nergal Consulting and CNIT (National Inter University Telecommunications Consortium)

ROP ERDF 2014-2020 Lazio Region
Call for proposals “Mobilità sostenibile ed intelligente (Sustainable and intelligent Mobility)"

Grant obtained: € 304,637,18

POR/FESR 2014-2020 Regione Lazio

Viale Avignone 95 - 00144 Rome